Wednesday, September 03, 2003

India Turns to Community Computing: "India Turns to Community Computing
Q&A: MIT's Kenneth Keniston says cheap information kiosks are helping India bring computing power to the masses, providing a model for how to bridge the digital divide."

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Yahoo! News - Pentagon's Futures Market Plan Condemned

A idéia mais estúpida do Mundo.
Loss of e-mail 'worse than divorce'

Pior que eu concordo com isso...

Monday, July 28, 2003

O que eu achei lendo sobre a história da Usenet:

The Ten Commandments for C Programmers (Annotated Edition)

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Eating pizza 'cuts cancer risk'

"The secret could be lycopene, an antioxidant chemical in tomatoes, which is thought to offer some protection against cancer, and which gives the fruit its traditional red colour."

Monday, July 21, 2003

Ex-Afghan prisoners describe Guantanamo

?Who says we were not punished? It's not true,? said Abdul Rehman, 29, from Faryab province in northeastern Afghanistan. ?They pushed us all over, treated us very badly. They put 24 of us in a small congested room. They also put us into cold rooms.?

Bruce Lee: The kung-fu legend

"Before Bruce Lee the kung-fu movie was nothing more than a cult, watched only by martial arts aficionados.

But the martial arts star changed all of that - after making four movies before his death aged 32, he turned the genre into one of the defining cultural movements of the 1970s, and an internationally-popular film form.

In his wake have come a raft of other kung-fu stars, such as Jet Li and Jackie Chan, who has carved out a successful comedy kung-fu career in Hollywood."

Thursday, July 17, 2003

A Quantum Leap in Cryptography

"Visionaries are using photons to develop data-security systems that may prove the ultimate defense against eavesdropping hackers"

Eu adoro este tipo de começo em not?cia cient?fica:

"In a dark, quiet room inside the Cambridge (Mass.) labs of Verizon (VZ ) subsidiary BBN Corp., network engineer Chip Elliott is using the laws of physics to build what he hopes will be an unbreakable encryption machine."
Korea's DMZ: 'Scariest place on Earth'

"The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that divides the two Koreas is the most heavily fortified border in the world, bristling with watchtowers, razor wire, landmines, tank-traps and heavy weaponry.

On either side of its 151-mile (248 km) length almost two million troops face each other off ready to go to war at a moment's notice.

They have been on a hair trigger for almost 50 years, ever since the last shot was fired in the Korean War and an uneasy truce came into force.

Officially that war has not yet ended -- no formal peace deal has ever been signed and the war could start again at any moment."
Tarantino film split in half

"Quentin Tarantino's forthcoming martial arts movie Kill Bill is to be divided into two films.

The film, starring Uma Thurman as a female assassin, is being released as two separate 90-minute movies after the early version weighed in at three hours..."
TRON man shuns Gates-like fortune

"...Sakamura estimates that it is used in some three to four billion such appliances around the world, far outnumbering Windows, which controls an estimated 150 million computers..."

"It's not good to charge people for using something which is like a social infrastructure. It also inhibits the development of the computer industry. The very basic infrastructure should be free," he said.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Linux training to enhance membership in global it arena

"This week has seen the commencement of Afghan civil servants trained and certificated in LINUX operating systems to utilize and administer in their respective organizations. This is a great enhancement to ministries and all other departmental institutions in Afghanistan as sets the pace at which the nation can re-engage with the global economy."

Now you're talking...
World's poor to get own search engine
"Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are developing a search engine designed for people with a slow net connection.

Someone using the software would e-mail a query to a central server in Boston. The program would search the net, choose the most suitable webpages, compress them and e-mail the results a day later."
A day later? A DAY later!!??

Que idéia mais estúpida!

"The thinking behind the TEK search engine is that people in poor countries are short of money but have time on their hands, whereas people in the West are cash-rich but time-poor.

"The idea is that developing countries are willing to pay in time for knowledge," explained Prof Amarasinghe.

"In the West when we surf we want the information in the next two seconds. We are not willing to wait."

Tratar acesso à tecnologia como "uma coisa nossa e uma coisa deles" não está certo nem aqui nem na Índia. Fuck prof. Amarasinghe.
Manslaughter charges over catapult death
"Bulgarian teenager Kostadin Yankov was killed last November when he was thrown from a replica medieval catapult.

He should have landed in a large safety net during the event at Middlemoor Water Park, Woolavington near Bridgwater, Somerset."
Quem manda ser idiota?